Yeni Destek Bildirimi
Sorunlarınızın çözümünü Bilgi Merkezi'nde bulamadıysanız, aşağıdan ilgili departmanı seçerek destek için bizlere bildirim gönderebilirsiniz.
A Network Operations Center (NOC) monitors, manages, and maintains telecommunications networks to ensure optimal performance and security.
Abuse refers to the misuse of a system or service, often involving violation of terms, harmful behavior, or unauthorized activities.
The Payments Support section handles issues related to financial transactions, assisting with billing, payment processing, refunds, and charge disputes to ensure efficient and secure transactions.
Basic Support involves providing essential assistance and troubleshooting to ensure the smooth functioning of systems or services.
The peering section manages network connections to optimize internet traffic by negotiating and establishing traffic exchange agreements with other network operators or ISPs, aiming to improve network efficiency and user experience.